Siamo alla Frutta
Year: 2014
Location: Teatro Sociale - Bergamo
Direction: Luca Rapis

Siamo alla Frutta is a refreshing performance that brings dance and live music together by unusual musical instruments made of carved fruits and vegetables. With this production ONE THOUSAND™ DANCE creates a union that produces rhythmical variations and overwhelming choreographies to broadcast and important message against food waisting, along the principles of EXPO 2015.
By staging this new production, the young coreographer Luca Rapis wants to underline the nutritional gap between first and second world countries. The difference between one having enough food to be used even as instruments of an artistic performance while the other struggling with severe nutritional problems. This message is beeing spread not only by its dramaturgy, but starting from the title the existence of the performance itself sets a statement.

What is happening on stage is sort of genesis, a natural cycle that start’s its journey on Earth, giving planty of fruits and vegetables to man. Instead of taking care of this special gift, man always asks for more and more, interfears by the use of chemicals that destroy this long journey of life. Being a cycle, once finished, it always repeats from the start, and the only item immortal is the one it all started with: the Earth. To plant these messages between the choreographed steps was a choice of direction that helped to keep the drammaturgy fresh. Through energy, colors, the images of each scene, choreographic and musical distortions this theme of contrast left its print on the whole of the performance.
The soundtrack respresents perfectly this concept, we reelaborated and filtered sound recordings that originate from fruits and vegetables. These recordings served as support next to the live and “natural” music played on stage. The musicians played on discarded products from vegetable markets, these were collected, cleaned and donated to the Le Cornelle animal park in Bergamo to use as animal feed.