Year: 2013
Location: Bergamo
Format: Direction: Luca Rapis/p>
iNDEX, the first creation of ONE THOUSAND™ DANCE, the absolute premier of the company. The performance is based on optical effects between the dancers and whole screen projected images, giving the audience the impression of a total immersion in the visual perceptions produced, music and dance. iNDEX is based on the principle of electric impulse that generates movements and emotions. In fact, our brain produces nervous pulses that are no other than electric discharges. These are then trasmitted to the muscles chosen and generate visible movements in physical space in sequence determined by the brain.

These movements in space then are recalculated by the audience through their sight that translates movements into other nervous pulses that are transfered to the brain in the form of new electric discharges. Emotional impulses are also based on electricity, with the difference that they cannot be reproduced in a physical space, if not through a determined posture and reaction of the muscles caused by an emotional state. This is to be concerned the cause and primary generator of movement.
What iNDEX wants to underline is that this rule is being also used used by computers. They translate simple comands into electric impulses that sometimes manifest in reality. Since man and computer are very similar from the technical point of view of the matter, iNDEX wants to experiment with the union of man and the artificial machine starting from the same impulses but in the first case generating movements and emotions, in the other brights images that will interact with the human body in movement in a physical space.